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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:41 pm

This article is about the Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. For the Miles Davis album, see Nefertiti (album).
Nefertiti 20px-Padlock-silver-medium.svg

Nefertiti 225px-Nofretete_Neues_Museum
The iconic bust of Nefertiti is part of the Ägyptisches Museum Berlin collection, currently on display in the Neues Museum.
circa 1370 BC
circa 1330 BC
Nefertiti (c. 1370 BC – c. 1330 BC) was the Great Royal Wife (chief consort) of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. Nefertiti and her husband were known for a religious revolution, in which they started to worship one god only. This was Aten, or the sun disc.
Nefertiti had many titles; for example, at Karnak are inscriptions that read Heiress, Great of Favours, Possessed of Charm, Exuding Happiness, Mistress of Sweetness, beloved one, soothing the king's heart in his house, soft-spoken in all, Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt, Great King's Wife, whom he loves, Lady of the Two Lands, Nefertiti.
She was made famous by her bust, now in Berlin's Neues Museum, shown to the right. The bust is one of the most copied works of ancient Egypt. It was attributed to the sculptor Thutmose, and it was found in his workshop. The bust is notable for exemplifying the understanding Ancient Egyptians had regarding realistic facial proportions. Some scholars believe that Nefertiti ruled briefly after her husband's death and before the accession of Tutankhamun as Smenkhkare, although this identification is a matter of ongoing debate.
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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:42 pm


See also : Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt Family Tree
Nefertiti's parentage is not known with certainty, but it is now generally believed that she was the daughter of Ay, later to be pharaoh and the sister of Mutnedjmet.[1] Another theory that gained some support identified Nefertiti with the Mitanni princess Tadukhipa.
The exact dates of when Nefertiti was married to Amenhotep IV and later promoted to his Queen are uncertain. However, the couple had six known daughters. This is a list with suggested years of birth:Nefertiti 210px-Nefertiti_Standing-striding_Berlin Nefertiti Magnify-clip
A standing/striding figure of Nefertiti made of limestone. Originally from Amarna, part of the Ägyptisches Museum Berlin collection.

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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:43 pm

Nefertiti 200px-Akhenaten%2C_Nefertiti_and_their_children Nefertiti Magnify-clip
A "house altar" depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti and three of their Daughters; limestone; New Kingdom, Amarna period, 18th dynasty; c. 1350 BC - Collection: Ägyptisches Museum Berlin, Inv. 14145

In Year 4 of his reign (1346 BC) Amenhotep IV started his worship of Aten. The king led this religious revolution, in which Nefertiti played a prominent role. It changed Egypt's religion from a polytheistic religion to a henotheistic religion. This was not strictly monotheism, as they did not deny the existence of other gods[original research?][citation needed].
This year is also believed to mark the beginning of his construction of a new capital, Akhetaten, at what is known today as Amarna. In his Year 5, Amenhotep IV officially changed his name to Akhenaten as evidence of his new worship. The date given for the event has been estimated to fall around January 2 of that year. In Year 7 of his reign (1343 BC), the capital was officially moved from Thebes to Amarna. Construction of the city seems to have continued for two more years (till 1341 BC). The new city was dedicated to the royal couple's new religion. Nefertiti's famous bust is also thought to have been created around this time.
In an inscription estimated to November 21 of year 12 of the reign (approx. 1338 BC)[citation needed], her daughter Meketaten is mentioned for the last time; she is thought to have died shortly after that date. Circumstantial evidence which shows that she predeceased her husband at Akhetaten include several shabti fragments of the Queen's burial, which are now located in the Louvre and Brooklyn Museums.[2] A relief in Akhenaten's tomb in the Royal Wadi at Amarna appears to show her funeral.Nefertiti 210px-NefertitiRelief_SmitingSceneOnBoat-CloseUp Nefertiti Magnify-clip
Close-up of a limestone relief depicting Nefertiti smiting a female captive on a royal barge. On display at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

During Akhenaten's reign (and perhaps after), Nefertiti enjoyed unprecedented power. By the twelfth year of his reign, there is evidence that she may have been elevated to the status of co-regent[3]: equal in status to the pharaoh. She was often depicted on temple walls the same size as the king, signifying her importance, and she was shown worshiping the Aten alone. Perhaps most impressively, Nefertiti is shown on a relief from the temple at Amarna smiting a foreign enemy with a mace before the Aten. Such depictions had traditionally been reserved for the pharaoh alone, and yet Nefertiti was depicted the same way. (This relief is held by the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.)
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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:43 pm


Further information: Amarna succession

About Year 14 of Akhenaten's reign (1336 BC), Nefertiti vanishes from the historical record. There is no word of her after that date. Theories include sudden death by a plague that was sweeping through the city or another natural death. A previous theory that she fell into disgrace is now discredited, since the deliberate erasures of monuments belonging to a queen of Akhenaten have been shown to refer to Kiya instead.[4] Conclusions about the disappearance of Nefertiti seem likely to be lost to history.
The Coregency Stela may show her as a co-regent with her husband, who possibly ruled after his death. Some scholars think that Nefertiti changed her name, first to Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaten and later to Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare, and that she enjoyed a brief sole rule under the latter name. They also believe that, as her husband's co-regent and successor, she may have attempted to reconcile the Atenist and Traditional religions[5] Nefertiti would have prepared for her death and for the succession of her daughter, now named Ankhsenamun, and her stepson, Tutankhamun. They would have been educated in the traditional way, worshiping the old gods. This theory has Neferneferuaten's dying after two years of kingship, to be succeeded by Tutankhamun. (In February 2010, results of DNA tests were published which confirmed his being a son of Akhenaten.)
He married Nefertiti's daughter Ankhesenpaaten. The royal couple were young and inexperienced, by any estimation of their age. Ankhesenpaaten bore two premature, stillborn daughters whose mummies were found by Howard Carter in Tutankhamen's tomb. Some theories believe that Nefertiti was still alive and held influence on the younger royals. If this is the case, that influence and presumably Nefertiti's own life would have ended by year 3 of Tutankhaten's reign (1331 BC). In that year, Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun. This was evidence of his return to the official worship of Amun, and his abandonment of Amarna to return the capital to Thebes.
As can be seen by the suggested identifications between Tadukhipa, Nefertiti, Smenkhkare and Kiya, the records of their time and their lives are largely incomplete. The findings of archaeologists and historians may develop new theories vis-à-vis Nefertiti and her precipitous exit from the public stage.
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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:45 pm

The Elder Lady?
A KMT article called "Who is The Elder Lady mummy?" suggests that the elder lady mummy may be Nefertiti's body [9]. This may be possible due to the fact that the mummy is around her mid-thirties or early forties, Nefertiti's guessed age of death. Also, unfinished busts of Nefertiti appear to resemble the mummy's face, though other suggestions include Ankhesenamun and, the favorite candidate, Tiye. More evidence to support this identification is that the mummy's teeth look like that of a 29-38 year old, Nefertiti's most likely age of death. Due to recent age tests on the mummy's teeth, it appears that the 'Elder Lady' is in fact Queen Tiye and also that the DNA of the mummy is a close, if not direct, match to the lock of hair found in Tutankhamun's tomb which bears the inscription of Queen Tiye is the hairs coffin. To date, the mummy of this famous and iconic queen has not been found.
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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:46 pm

Iconic status
Further information: Nefertiti bust

Portrait study of NefertitiNefertiti's place as an icon in popular culture is secure as she has become somewhat of a celebrity. After Cleopatra she is the second most famous "Queen" of Ancient Egypt in the Western imagination and influenced through photographs that changed standards of feminine beauty of the 20th century, and is often referred to as "the most beautiful woman in the world".[10]

^ Egypt State Information Service - Famous women
^ Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, (Thames & Hudson), 2004, p.156
^ Reeves, Nicholas. Akhenaten: Egypt's False Prophet. p.172 Thames & Hudson. 2005. ISBN 0-500-285527
^ Dodson & Hilton, p.156
^ Reeves, C.N., Akhenaten, Egypt's False Prophet (Thames and Hudson, 2001) p. 164
^ Do We Have the Mummy of Nefertiti?
^ Hawass comments - No Discrimination
^ Times Online - King Tut tut tut
^ http://www.egyptology.com/kmt/summer2001/
^ Queen Nefertiti of Egypt
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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الإثنين أبريل 12, 2010 6:55 pm

يارب يكون موضوع مفيد ويكون مظبوط وينال اعجابكم
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المديره التنفيذيه
المشتاقة لعفو ربى

البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Readin10
الجنس : انثى
mms : روعه
Nefertiti Ouoooo13
Nefertiti Uoou_o10
Nefertiti Ouuuoo10
Nefertiti 1302079230832
عدد المساهمات : 11064

خدمات المنتدى
مشاركة الموضوع: مشاركة

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الخميس مايو 06, 2010 8:00 pm

انا مش فاهمة حاجة عايزة مترجم
بس مشكوورة حبيبتي علي المجهود ده
تسلم الايادي
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البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الجمعة مايو 07, 2010 2:52 pm

مشكورة يا قمر
وعلي العموم انا حاطة الموضوع العربي منه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

البلد : مصر
الهواية : Nefertiti Painti10
الجنس : انثى
mms : اللهم اعنى على ذكرك
Nefertiti C1p46310
عدد المساهمات : 2272

Nefertiti Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nefertiti   Nefertiti Icon_minitime1الجمعة مايو 07, 2010 2:54 pm

مشكورة يا قمر
وعلي العموم انا حاطة الموضوع العربي منه
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